2. I am an eagle - an independent strong bird that will do what it wants when it wants and will rule the world at one point
3. I am a banana - a reliable sweet friend
4. I am a fairy - A whimsical creature, shy at first, ready to dispense its magic to those who deserve it.
5. I am the f**ing colour pink - playful and cheerful, sweet and optimistic
6. I am a beaver - creative, practical and well-organised. Ready to help those in need.
7. I should live in Mongolia - open spaces, tall grass, rides on horseback, a million miles away from civilisation. More nature, less culture.
8. Apparently, my mental age is 22. Got over the rebel teen years, but not quite mature yet. Thinking back to myself at age 22, yes, I may still be there.
So, yes, this is as intelligent as I allow myself to act tonight. Stupid online quizzes, hoping to find my true self. And the truth is, I am all of these. I am a weird creature of habit, who would live alone on the top of a cliff had I not found a bunch of people in my life who need me, therefore, I live an independent yet normal life. I consider myself special, a bit too special for my own good, I consider myself young and strong and cheerful, with the habits and whims of an old wise man. I am a bit too pink for my own taste and I have magic in me. That I do.
I do not mind these quizzes tonight. I am everything good and everything strange. I am what I am and I am alive.
And utterly alone tonight.
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