Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Three tall women

Trei femei inalte, la unteatru
All women change their skin
and then the monsters from within
bleed outwards
and take over.

A different harpy every year
impersonating every fear
you've ever felt
when moving close beside me.

Oh, are you sure
you want to stay?
I may not be like yesterday
but surely now
I am much better
than tomorrow.

I may not even know your name
or maybe I'll be wishing
you into oblivion.

I may be wiser
I will have been around the world
one extra turn
I will have seen
you in and out
and there's no doubt
I'll be wishing
it were over.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

About me...

For you, 
I wish I could've stayed pure a little longer, 
Unsoiled and white -
But when was I ever like that?

As a child, 
I knew God had to be out of thew way,
Otherwise I wouldn't be able to act
or say
All the things that would, later on, become me.

So you see, 
What I actually wish
Is for you to have met me, let's say,
twenty-five years ago.

It's that drastic, I know. 

Come to think of it, must be the only time
When I really didn't mean harm
Though I'm sure that I must have done some;

If only to those beautiful people
That I forced into becoming my parents

To the rabbits
I would love for a while 
And then feed on

To the puppets
I would opperate on,
Forcing them to change gender and race,
to wear grandma's pink ragged lace.

And to think,
This is was supposed to be a love letter
But it turned out like a therapy session-
I didn't even know I was so damaged- 
I was going to wish
I hadn't started smoking
Or dying my hair
Or loved so many men before you
Or other random things that have soiled me,
But my despair is clinical, I can see. 

I wasn't ever whiter than today, 
These are the nicest things I can say
About me
And the fact that I can actually tell you
This is no joyride that you're signing in to
Should be more than any other truths they can give you
About me.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

I'm sorry that I love you dar e din cauza redingotei

Un cantecel mic si dragut, de la Magnetic Fields citire, pentru ca azi am starea aia idioata in care ascult cantecele mici si dragute cu si despre dragoste si am impresia ca toate sunt despre mine.
Maine o sa fiu normala din nou, promit.

A single rose in your garden dwells
Like any rose it's not itself
It is my love in your garden grows
but let's pretend it's just a rose
Well I'm sorry that I love you
It's a phase that I'm going through
There is nothing that I can do
and I'm sorry that I love you
Do not listen to my song
Don't remember it, don't sing along
Let's pretend it's a work of art
Let's pretend it's not my heart...
The rose will fade when summer's gone
The song will fade and I'll be gone
because my heart is dying too
and it's all the same to you

Deci, ca sa fie clar: I'm sorry = imi cer scuze/ iarta-ma, nu inseamna ca regret.
Numai ca imi pare rau ca te-am tarat dupa mine in chestia asta. Dupa cum am mai spus, I really didn't mean to trap you, dar s-a intamplat si acum sunt blocata o vreme. OK, I am still trying to get a life asa cum mi s-a sugerat, caut alternative, plec la agatat sau ma bucur de singuratate si cateodata chiar am impresia ca mi-e bine.
In alte zile insa, patesc ce am patit azi cand rasfoiam o carte de fashion illustration, unde am vazut o redingota si am intrat putin in panica. Am simtit brusc nevoia ca tu sa apari atunci acolo imbracat in redingota. De unde dracu' am scos-o cu redingota nu stiu, ca nu te-am vazut niciodata in redingota, de fapt nu stiu daca am vazut vreodata pe cineva imbracat asa in real life.
And there are nights I sleep on the couch because a half-empty double bed seems ridiculous.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

De unde vin linguritele...

Eu, în modul de professeur de francais, încercam să le explic copiilor de a 7-a diferența dintre cuillère (lingura ca obiect, din aceeași categorie cu furculițele și cuțitele) și cuillerée (conținutul unei linguri, ca în „adăugați două linguri de zahăr”).
Până să apuc eu să explic ceva, unul dintre copii, fericit că în sfârșit a înțeles și el cum e cu genul substantivelor, strigă din ultima bancă:
- Știu eu, Miss! Una e lingura masculină și cealaltă e lingura feminină!
Mă umflă râsul dar încerc să îi explic calm și academic că nu are sens ce a zis, că na, lingurile nu sunt ca pisicile și cățelușii, băieței și fetițe, că nu e nevoie de forme de masculin și feminin pentru tacâmuri. La care, una din puștoaice, zice:
- Păi cum, Miss, eu credeam că de-acolo vin lingurițele!

Friday, 4 May 2012

Aveti si voi un vecin... isi plimba cainele in parc cu urmatoarele accesorii:
  1. Ochelari de soare mari si negri pentru efectul de poker face.
  2. Lant gros de aur
  3. Tricou cu burta, ca muschi de unde, negru tuci, desi sunt 34 de grade Celsius. Scrie si King pe el ca sa stim exact cu cine avem de a face. Ce daca transpir ca un catar in calduri, m-am dat cu Gucci (ieri dimineata...)
  4. Sticla/Doza de bere ca doar e cald si ma deshidratez!
  5. Budigai cu carouri roz. Sunt barbat, sau ce dracu? Pot sa port carouri roz cu demnitate!
  6. Slapi, pentru aerisirea bataturilor
  7. Caine mic si stufos cu funda roz in frunte. (Domne, io pun piciorul in prag si ii zic la femeie, nu, fa, iti plimbi singura pechinezu' de acu' incolo. Io nu fac asta de obicei , doar azi ca e la ma-sa, fac sarmale amandoua. Da' altfel, la noi se stie cine e cocosu! )
  8. Bravo, taticu'! Ia uite ba, a facut Pitzi ditamai balegaru! Sa-l strang? Da' ce-am innebunit? Si primaru' ce mai face, daca fac io curat dupa caine? Ca io d-asta votez domne', sa pot sa ma c*c unde si cand vreau eu si cu tot neamu' meu!
  9. Seminte, of course! Cand s-o face ala micu' mare, in parc o sa fie camp de floarea soarelui in loc de salcii si castani.

*Vazut azi in Parc IOR si ilustrat cu precizie.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Soul of an engineer drenched in pur desir de pivoine

Peony gone missing!

Today, I did good. No modesty intended.
Whatever Yoga I've been doing to myself recently, it's working.
I've been sharing and giving and forgiving and smiling a lot more.
Today, I've put my electrical engineering skills (ha!) to good use and fixed a kid's laser pointer by taking it appart, identifying and sticking the two loose wires together. To make it last, I even insulated my repair since I had a piece of insulation tape around. (I usually use it for crafts!). At the end, the kid, mesmerised to see his Romanian language teacher taking appart and putting back together an electronic device, told me in the most sincere tone:
"Miss, you have the soul of an engineer!"
And that made me proud! Having a father which has been fixing my stuff all my life and having been in love with at least two guys who were crazy about electronics, I must say I am living up to expectations, right? And you said I couldn't be an engineer! (kidding!)

The second thing I am happy about today is that I looked for and found the English word for peony, and for a good cause. Today, peonies made a friend smile, and that's worth the world to me.